Thursday, April 12, 2012

Love Relationship Enlightenment

I am taking a wonderful online course with Joanna Powell Colbert called Gaian Soul Seasonal Practices and I am profoundly touch by what I am learning about myself. When I read the Tarot for clients I often explore with them issues around love life but seldom explore this issue for myself in a serious manner. Today Joanna asked me if I ever "experienced a love relationship as a series of deaths and rebirths?" The question opened a door for me as I am sure it has for others enrolled in this wonderful program.

In a few short words Joanna made me realize the question the Tarot had been answering through the readings for my clients was about beginning and ending/death and rebirth in love relationship. When I thought about my own love relationship in this manner my head started spinning so I reached for my Tarot deck and pulled a card: Temperance which depicts the mixing of disparate element like death and rebirth.

Then I realized, Temperance is also related to the astrological sign of Sagittarius which is on my 5th house of luck ruled by Jupiter which just happens to be in my 5th house. So to put it all in a nut shell all of the ups and downs of my love relationship have been the results of the mixing of elements of death and rebirth so the relationship can grow and evolve over time as we all do.

The result of the question asked by Joanna about beginnings and endings - death and rebirth - and my own amazement at the Temperance cards connection to my astrological chart added a new dynamic dimension to my Tarot by Freya reading capability that has me very excited. Thank you Joanna, your Gaian Soul Course is truly enlightening and has again blessed me with the knowledge of how to use the Tarot in yet another way. I also thank the Temperance card for awakening my path to enlightenment in my own love relationship!

If you would like to investigate the site of Joanne Powell Colbert's Gaian Tarot  go to  It is an cornucopia of opportunities to discover and explore ones inner-self!